Wednesday, December 31, 2008

.: Azura Cardigan :.

Definition Cardigan..

  1. Knitted collarless woolen jacket that buttons up the front, made with sleeves
  2. A Swedish pop group
  3. a town in Wales
  4. a mountain in western New Hampshire, United States
  5. a community in Canada
  6. Azura Cardigan (nick aku dolu-dolu.. ahahaha)

Whatever you define what it is, the word really means CARDIGAN. Ahakz. Yeap.. I'm babbling. Sorry. Okay, here's my favourite cardigan.

Guess the price!! Teet.. wrong answer. The price is very cheap. I pay only RM12 for this cute cardigan from reject shop. Quite satisfied with the embroidery. The cardigan is made in Japan!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

.: Hijrah 1430 :.

Salam Maal Hijrah 1430..
Azam aku tahun baru tok :-

  1. Mendekatkan dirik kepada Allah.. sebelum tok aku nang selalu lalai, leka, alpa.. Bila dah kenak penyakit or musibah baruk aku menyesal. Astaghfirullahallazim...
  2. Ngumpul duit.. menuh asb ku taun tok. ehex.. k merik mak bapak ku..
  3. Bersatu hati menuju puncak! ahahahha

"Sakit itu penghapus dosa. Bersabar dan berdoalah selalu pada Allah. Setiap ujian yang menyusahkan hati pasti dibalas dengan hikmah yang teramat baik sekali. Kalau tidak di dunia, maka akan ditangguhkan di akhirat kelak.. [Ramlee Awang Murshid - Hijab Sang Pencinta]"

.: Mardy Bums :.

Hmm.. apa ku nak padah untuk entry padah hari inirr??
Today kakakku memolah majlis akikah untuk Adam Faris.
Polah kecik-kecik jak. Koarga belah mak aku and koarga belah abang ipar aku jak.
Tapi ramey juak jadinya sebab family mek org besar. hehehe.
Lamak dah sik berkumpol sama-sama. Pi rasanya taun depan banyak agik aktiviti reunion tok sebaaab... banyak orang nak kawen. Muhehehehe...

Tapi aku sik ambik gambar tek. Entahla.. sekda mood juak. Tok gambar Adam aku ambik time nya tido... hehehe.

Wokeh.. lately aku suka gilak dengar lagu Mardy Bums by Arctic Monkeys. Best!!! Hari-hari aku dengar. Sapa-sapa ada album cdak I nak minterr.. Muhuhuhu

Thursday, December 25, 2008

.: Kuku Kaki Kakekku ;.

Baruk jak riya aku post survey pasal kaki ku..
Mun nak tauk apa aku post, silalah baca survey Sad sad sad..
Marek, aku ngan bro aku gi walking kat taman Sahabat.
Memandangkan tayar motosikal pancet, jadi mek duak berwalking la dari rumah.
Dah sampe 2 round mek duak musin taman ya tek, aku pun berasa mahu lebih meningkatkan tahap eksesais ku tek.. Jadi mek duak split.
Aku molah step run rah tangga sia. Adikku tek running musin taman 2 kali.
Tang best jak aku molah step run tek, bila dah abis tek.. tiba-tiba lutut kanan ku terasa mcm kenak sambar elektrik jak. Pasya alu krem.. and sikpat lurus. Terpaksa aku tepon bapak ku ambik mek duak di cya.

Muhuu... tokla benda paling aku sikmaok jadi menimpa balit ke aku. Masuk tok dah kali ke-3 aku kenak. Kaki aku tok start dari Form 2 dolok aku kenak.. Sekali gik kenak time di Chermai. Gi x-ray.. xda papa broken. Gi treatment, gi physioteraphy, engkah elektrik kat kaki pun maseh juak mcm tok..

Sampe aku di Unimas, masa ya aku nak mintak excuse dr aktiviti lasak untuk orientasi. Jadi aku mesti molah checkup lok. Time yalah.. doctor ya madah aku ada MILD ALTHRITIS.. satu penyakit yang sekda penawar. Bila aku surf di internet polah research, penyakit tok hanya boleh dielakkan or dikurangkan jak.. tp buat masa tok sekda cure.

Aku sik pat terejok2 gik, sikpat berlari, sikpat duduk mencangkung lamak gilak, sikpat berdiri lamak gilak, jalan.. kenak sejok pun sikpat. Semua pergerakan aku terbatas.. Sebab yalah org nangga aku tok lemah gemalai jak. Kaki aku very fragile.

Tokla antara sebab aku sikmaok kerja jauh-jauh or ekot orang gi sine-sine. Sbb bila dah jadi camtok.. sekda org lain pat nanggung sakitnya. Org lain hanya akan madah "Kesiann... " "Kenak sik gi urut??" Hanya aku dan org yang pernah merasa jak tauk betapa sakitnya ngidap penyakit tok.

Kinek tok aku dah kerja.. Bingung aku, opis aku tingkat 2. Pasya opis aku ya aircond nang sejok tahap bekuk.. aku takut it'' ll worsen my knee.. Tapi aku redha.. Aku terimak jak apa-apa dugaan yang Allah berik. Aku pernah kenak lebih teruk dari tok. Iaitu masa aku terlecok and ligament tear rah ankle aku. Bertongkat aku pegi kelas...

Cuma aku sedih.. lepas tok terbatas la pergerakan aku. Aku sikpat gi jalan-jalan gik ngn Ayu.. Muhuuu.. Sekpat gik bencer2 ngn dear-dear ku.. Sekpat semayang benar.. And paling aku sedeh buat masa inir.. aku sikpat gi warehouse book sale di bukit permata ya!!! Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

.: Rudolf the Small Nose Raindeer :.

Hahahaha.. tetak penjahat.
Orang nak krismas, kamek duak Ayu pun gago nak bergambar dengan suasana krismas.
A few weeks ago, I took Ayu Spitfire to London. Kota London yang sekda salji ya hanya ada Santa Claus mengangkat ketiaknya. Hahahaha. Aku tauk Ayu dah post dlm blog nya tp aku menanti hari krisma baruk cun. muahahaha.

Nak dijadikan cerita tek, Santa ya nang tinggi. Aku ngenjok tangan nak berjarah ngannya sik maok nya nyambut tangan aku. Agik juak macam tangan nya. Lekanya gago ngangkat ketiak nya pakey sow pan orang rami. Heran aku. Jadi aku pun membawak Ayu bergambar kenang-kenangan si samping Pakcik Santa ya.

Ingat sik lagu Krismas "Rudolf the red nose raindeer.. " Haaa.. di Kota London kamek duak menemui sang Rudolf tok tek. Nang menar idong nya wana merah koh. Malah tompok2 badan nya pun merah.

Bukan ya ajak. Nya embak anak-anaknya sekali. Si Rudolf tek madah "Selamat Hari Kismas ngn sapa-sapa nyambut Kismas.. Lak aku atang Kuching katanya.." Muhuhuuh...

Sekian la cerita bulak dari aku.. Harap anda terhibur. Merry Christmas to my friends who celebrate it today. HAve fun!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

.: Sad sad Sad.. :.

How many years have you lived in this life?
- 26 years

What month were you born?
- February..

Name a great memory of your past that will always stick with you.
- my childhood memories..

Name a not so great aspect of your past that shall always stick with you.
- The day I cannot walked, straightened my right leg.. until now... muhuuu. It was few years after that I discovered I had an athritis.

Have you overcome this hardship or are you still struggling through it?
- I'm still struggling through it.. huuuu

If you are still dealing with it, how is that going, have you made any breakthroughs, and do you think you will overcome it someday?
- I hope there will be the cure for the pain. I hope I manage to live through like a normal person. I hope I can walk, stand, run properly.. and even having baby one day... I hope..

If you have made it through, how did you do it, what was a major realization of yours that helped you thus far, and do you feel you could coach another through a similar situation given the chance?
- Live with it!! Yes, sure I can coach another patient like me. You wouldn't know if you didn't feel it.

Name a time in your past when you came to a profound realization of some sort?
- Which is the time my friends laughing on the way I ran.. Yea.. I ran like a clown.

Are you happy with your life up to this point?
- Yes I am.

Are you looking forward to the future or do you fear it?
- I'm looking forward to the future, you know.. settle down. Sitting at the garden, sipping tea while watching my kids playing around.. muhuuu

Are you currently in a relationship?
- yea

If you are, how is that going, are you truly in love, and do you see yourself with that person
for a long time?
- everyday i fall in love into him.

If you are single, how do you feel about that, do you imbrace it or reject it?
- so I skip this question? hehe

Is there a long lost love in your past that you shall never forget?
- I'll never forget it but I have forgotten the feeling because someone has replaced it with much moooreeee better.

Do you consider yourself strong or weak?
- muhu.. weak..

Are you happy with who you are becoming?
- not really

Do you consider yourself grown or immature?
- grown

Do you take the advice of others or do you shun it?
- always hear what people said

How are you right now at this very moment?
- mellow..

Finally, did you enjoy this survey or do you resent it, tell exactly how it made you feel?
- suddenly I feel sad..

Thursday, December 18, 2008

.: Longing to be anywhere but here :.

Since I had fill in the blog below, I remembered the moment when I took my dear-dear to celebrate his birthday this year. I took him to Garden Steamboat, at Nanas Road.
It was quite cozy.. cool.. romantic place to makan-makan sambil rilek-rilek. hehehe..

* Guess who's drink is who? You're rite. The big one was mine. Keh keh keh..

* Aku mentertawakan dear-dear aku.. gih gih gih

Yea.. I know. There was no view of that place. Or even the foods.. Cuz I was so hungry and I ate like I never seen foods for a year. Keh keh keh.. Psst.. my dear-dear cooked that day. Wahahaha.. Kesian org birthday terpaksa masak k 'mem' tok. ehehe..

p/s: Sekpa deng.. dah nikah lak kmk masak. time gik gerek tok, kmk dera ktk lok. Uji ketahanan mental bah.

.: More survey.. :.

Tonite I'm so blank.
Feel like to write something but I can't come out with something. Huu..
So I just fill in this survey which I copied from Spitfire's blog. Ehex.
Sorry bebeh. Aku merampok survey kau. wahahhaaha.

Boyfriend / Girlfriend Survey

What is their name?

- Kurosaki Ichigo. ahahaha

What pet name do you like to call them?

- Godeng

How long have you been together?
- Almost 3 years

How did you meet?
- Serendipity

What do you like the most about them?
- his eyes and his mole on his left cheek. eheee..

What do you like the least about them?
- his past..

What is the best thing they have ever done for you?
- he taught me to stand when I stumbled

Have they met your parents yet?
- yeap

What would you kids look like if you had kids?
- I would like our kids inherit his eyes and my gila gilaan. muhuhuhu.. (I want them to be friend with Ayu's children. ahahahah)

What is the worst argument you have had?
- About his past.. I know I can't argue on his past but I could remember the feeling. The feeling was very wrong. It haunted me. muhuu.. dah dah. simok ingat gik.

Do you still kiss a lot?
- muheeee..

Who asked who out?
- both

Do you think you will get married?
- Insya Allah..

Can you see yourself growing old with them?
- yeap

What is the one thing you would like to change about them?
- part of his mind. muhuhuhu

What do you think they would like to change about you?
- my jealousy. ahakz

What is the first gift they ever bought you?
- a keychain.

Do you have a favorite song together?
- of course.

Which famous person do you think they look like the most?
- Erm.. I can't say it here

Would you say the two of you are a good match?
- I pray and I hope..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

.: Survey of the day :.

A survey about me...

What is your full name?
- Azura Chan

How old are you?
- 26

What is your height?
- 155

What is your weight?
- 52 (I gained weight!!!)

What color eyes do you have?
- brown

What is your skin complexion?
- fair and lovely. wahahaha

What color is your hair?
- it's brown.. dark brown

Do you wear makeup?
- only to attend special occassion.

What kind of clothes do you wear most on a normal day?
- baby-t with skirt. (If I'm not going out.. )

Are you married, single, or in a relationship?
- single and in a relationship. ahakz

Do you have or want kids?
- I want to have kids.

Boy, girl, or both?
- preferably both. hehe

What are their names?
- what will be their names ka? Erm.. I like Aulia and Aidan.

How old are they?
- they are not born yet. gi gih gih

Do you have any pets?
- yess

What kind?
- Neko!

What are their names?
- Shemisz, Jamie. The newcomers: Ichigo, Topi and Pepper (Rukia just died today.. muhuuuu)

Do you have many, some, a lot of haters?
- I do think so.

Do you have a lot of friends?
- yeah.. a lot. But only a few can be trusted!

Who is your best friend?
- Ayu Bebeh, Edzy Cimeng, Mami Lenna.

Who is the number one person or people you cannot stand?
- Liar and Perempuan Gedik a.k.a BIMBO (demmm bimbo!)

Are you happy with your life right now?
- no idea. I'm happy when I'm with my family, my dear-dear and my best friends. But I'm down when I wasn't around with them. I hate working!

Do you wish you were someone else?
- I wish a was an anime character. ahahaha

When is your birthday?
- 15 February

What is your favorite holiday?
- As long as it's holiday. yahahaha

What is your favorite hobby?
- Reading, watching anime, updating blog, windows shopping, archey, taking picture, sleeeeping

Do you seek revenge or let problems go and forget about the drama?
- I'm hardly to forget and sometimes to forgive. But I won't seek for revenge.

What would you change your name too if you wanted to?
- something very meaningful.

Are you a nice person?
- too nice to give a damn. muhuu

Are you two faced?
- no. I'm a Batman. ahahhaa

Would you rather go out and have fun or stay home with your family?
- I'm a hommie person.

Do you party?
- nope

Drink Alcohol?
- no no.

what is your favorite fruit?
- Banana would be Ayu's favourite. Ahahhaa. I like Pomegranate. I spell it correct right?

Do you drink coffee?
- No. I even can't stand the smell. But I can drink lite coffee.

Are you honest with others?
- YES. I take it as my weakness. Damn!

Do you love yourself?
- yes

Are you a quiet or loud person?
- very very quiet.

Do you smoke?
- I can't stand the smoke. It'll make me sick. I'm very vulnerable.

Who is currently your significant other?
- who is who?

.: Memoirs of Sayuri.. :.

I've finished reading Memoirs of A Geisha.
I've watched the movie itself.

Between movie and the book, I think I prefer the book because it tells everything what Sayuri thoughts.

Part of it was sad.. but most of the time I enjoyed reading it because the way Sayuri intrepret people is so funny.

I quote one of the best wording from this book "Evil spreads in the world through touch.."

Friday, December 12, 2008

.: Jamie :.

Sharing sharing my handsome cat.

Name: Jamie
Nickname: Jamie Oliver, Jamie Redknapp, Jamie Scott, Jamielah.. wahahhaa
Age: 6 months
Status: Single and taken aback. Nguahahaha
Interest: Munching humans foot.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

.: Gila Gilaaaaaaan :.

Have you heard a band called The ChangCuters??
I love this band. I'd like to dedicate their song Gila-Gilaan to Ayu Spitfire. Hehehe. This song reminds me how fun was hanging out with her. Hehe. Enjoitss!!

I want us to sing this song when we hang out. Ingat ya.. Gila gilaan.. gila gilaan.. ahahaha

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

.: Outing to Hong Kong :.

Last Saturday I took Ayu to Hong Kong. Ahaks. No lah. We just went to 'eat-eat' at Crown Square. It was a belated birthday for Ayu. She was so different that day, because she did a fringe style plus a clip on her hair. And then I called her Orihime Inoue (Bleach). Muhehehehe.. Because she just look likes Inoue.

As we entered the entrance, we heard someone greet us 'Assalamualaikum..'.So I turned around to see who's the owner of that voice. To my surprise, it was the Santa Claus who greeted us. Muahahaha.. And then we burst out laughing till we cried la. Muhehehe..

We ordered Steamed Rice with bla bla.. Hehe. And Chicken Chop and Mushroom Gravy with Rice.. sort of. Ahakz. Can't remember well. Hehe. As for the desert, we ordered banana split. (Ayu's favourite).

The food was fab! And I think the supervisor has a thing on Ayu. Wahaha. Coz he always walked around on us, and he even asked Ayu whether she knows how to use chopstick. And he added 'Belajar la. Nanti kamu kawan dengan org cina.' Muhehehe.. Jeng jeng jeng..

We went home around 3pm cuz we cannot stand the hot weather. Muhuuu.. Well, it did not end up that day. We continued our 'gila-gilaan day' the day after tomorrow. wahahaha.. to be continued..

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ayu Birthday Present

Look what I've got for Ayu on her birthday. Since she loves Death Note, so I bought her a DN wallet. It was so.. erm Death Note. Muhuhuhu.

I'm glad she liked it. I want to take the picture of her expression when she wrapped out the present. Unfortunately, this girl just can't wait and she wrapped out the thing when I was driving. Ceh. Muhuhuhu


It's been awhile I didn't took a survey. Answering survey questions is one of my favourite. Hehehe. Today I'm gonna take a challenge to answer this survey..
When's the last time you ran?
- hmm... I was advised by doctor not to run. Cuz I have athritis. Nguhuhuhu

Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
- Yeap.. at the bottom of the leg. Maksudnya nak mintak beli baru ya..

What are you dreading right now?
- I might get sick with coldness

Do you celebrate 420?
- what's that???

Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
- no! I'm looking forward to become a Sleeping Beauty.

If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do?
- tried to sound sleepy... and look tired.. ahahaha

Who last grabbed your ass?
- my niece. hahaha.. she likes clutching on me.

Have you ever been on your school's track team?
- duh.. never. I used to join but I was kicked out instantly because I ran like a clown.

Do you own a pair of Converse?
- naah..

Did you copy and paste this survey?
- yikes.. yeap. muhehehe..

Do you eat raw cookie dough?
- muheee. this survey really hit me. ahakz. yeap, I like to steal raw cookie dough. muhuhuhu..

Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
- I love my leg.. my catherine zeta-jones model alike leg. wahahaha.

Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
- no. I hate it when the dj interrupts in the middle of the song.. or in the beginning.. or in the end.. why can't they just shut their mouth!

Do you watch Trading Spaces?
- Never heard of that show. Is it a show?

How do you eat oreos?
- bite and swallowed. nguahaha.. I don't have time to twist and lick it.

Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
- hmm.. yeah. long time agoo..

Could you live without a computer?
- definitely NO!

Do you wear your shoes in the house?
- No!

Who or what sleeps with you?
- 4 Pillows. A bolster. Froggies: Pablo and Godeng. Kitty: Fat Joe

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
- I never thought that Santa was for real. I thought he was only a cartoon character

How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?
- let me count.. 6 cell phones and a house phone.

What do you do when you're sad?
- Sleep is the cure for my sadness besides crying over someone's shoulder

Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
- I will never play for a lottery.

Last time you saw your best friend?
- Few days ago.. I met Edzy and her hubby. This morning I met Ayu. Muhuuu
Are you in high school?
- I've passed that era. Luckily there were no musical for us. Ahahahaha.

What jewelry are you wearing?
- gold necklace. My sister has one too.

Is anyone on your bad side now?- Yeah.. always. Muhuhuhu

What's the first thing you do when you get online?
- I'll type and login for my mail.

Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
- Yes but I dodn't follow the series.

How do most people spell your name?
- My name spells as Noor Azura Mohamad Nor. Sometimes they missed one 'O' on my name. Sometimes they put extra 'O' for my dad's name.

Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
- oooo.. what kind of clothes. nguahahaha..

Where do you work?
- near the river.. ahahaha

What are you doing tomorrow?
- Going out with my dear-dear and Ayu Bebeh
Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
- No. Because Michael Jackson has a tiny nose. wahahaha.

Favorite name for a girl?
- Aulia

Favorite name for a boy?
- Aidan

Will you keep your last name when you get married?
- Yess. Unless I marry Johnny Depp. Wahahaha.

When was the last time you left your house?
- Last year. Going for a vacation is consider as leaving the house as well right?
Do you have a dishwasher?
- no.

What noise do you hear?
- Owh.. it's a silent night..

Would you survive in prison?
- I don't want to..

Who is the youngest in your family?
- Edosz the Chacos.. ahahaha

If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack?
- hmm... that will be Me. Ahahaha..

What's the last thing you purchased?
- A t-shirt with a word SUSHI' for Daydeq'S BIRTHDAY.

Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
- Yeap. My beloved siblings.. ehehehehee

What brand are your pants right now?
- G Shape. Wahahahha... G String? hehehehe

Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
- No.

What irritates you most on the internet?
- slow loading progress, pornsite. cheh

What brand is your digital camera?
- I wish I have one. muhuuuu

Do you watch movies with your parents?
- Yea. is that a problem?

What song best describes your life right now?
- The Changcuters - Gila Gilaan. Ahakz. 'Gila gilaan bersama teman teman... ' dedicated to Ayu. Muhuuuu

Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
- No. the most expensive is RM29.90. Wahahaha..

Are you taking college classes right now?
- Nope.

Do you like sushi?
- Very much!!!

Do you get your hair cut every month?
- Nope. I'd only trimmed my hair.

Do you go online everyday?
- If my brothers was not around
Will you pass this survey on to 5 people?
- No. I'm sure they'll just glance over it.

Would you like other people to see your survey answers
- why not