Monday, November 24, 2008

I hate working..

Aku tok sikda matlamat hidup. I'm not an ambitious person. I don't have a perfect ambition. I know this may sound silly.. but this is the real me. I just want to live.breath.relax... I'd prefer working at home rather than living like a survivors' contestant in the office. Ceh..

I'm tired of working hard. Really.. Huu... boleh sik aku sik kerja???????


Nikolai said...

sikpa.. nikah lak.. suruh laki ktk sara idup ktk :-P. join mek org mok? ahhah mek nek tok freelance photographer :-P and macam2 gik :-P ne tauk ktk ada cukup duit lak. beli la SLR sigek hehhe.. mun da projek yg mek sik pat polah.. ktk tlg polah kan ahah.. upah ya amik itak :-P

VonMan said...

sapa muka talam ya? cuba ko ambik gamba nya post kan kat sitok. ne tauk muka nya nang kedak talam. pat k ngidang air teh. hehehe

Buku Junkie said...

kah kah kah..
mukanya nang kedak talam.

Buku Junkie said...

luzman, ktk org ada polah custom album sik pakey customer ktk org?

Nikolai said...

oooo ada2 :-P

Buku Junkie said...

aisemen.. ingatkan nak propose kmk tek tukang molah custom album ktk org. muhuhuhu..

SpiTFiRe said...

u hate working, i hate u working muhuhuhuhuhu. xpat nk bergila2an ngan ko gik bebeh. miss the good ol' days....

Buku Junkie said...

yeah me too babe.. Uhukkkk